We the People Are the Problem

Hypocrisy in Christianity must end. You have probably noticed that I care a lot about Jesus and His church. I read books and blogs, take online courses and listen to podcasts constantly intent on learning more about the future of the church in America. Furthermore, I care immensely about the impact that the church will have on the next generation. While I don’t really have any answers, I know that one thing has to change. Christians must stop being hypocrites. We the people are the problem.

The More Things Change

The more things change the more they stay the same. Jesus labeled his most adamant opponents as hypocrites. According to a recent study by the Barna Institute, hypocrites are still the biggest deterrent to the Kingdom of God being moved. In fact, 7 out of 10 people see Jesus and His message positively. 42% of people that oppose Christianity sight hypocrites as their number one reason. Shocker! They like Jesus. They just don’t like us!!

It’s the Craziest Thing

The crazy thing is that Christians don’t like hypocrites either. Nobody likes anybody that says one thing and does the other. Everybody hates phonies. Hypocrisy damages our relationships and it threatens to undermine the gospel. Hypocrisy in Christianity must end. Christians must stop being hypocrites. We have to stop for the sake of those of us in the church and for the eternal security of those outside of the church.

Find Enough Humility to Be Real

Humility is an appealing attribute. Nobody has ever said, “I don’t like that guy. He’s too humble!” Humble yourself. Be real, raw and sincere. Your self-righteousness and my self-righteousness has never moved anybody closer to Jesus. Moreover, it never will. Find enough humility to be real. Consequently, humility will lead to more friends, more influence, and possibly more people in the Kingdom of God. They like Jesus. They just don’t like us.